September 7, 2024

From Edmonton’s Sub-Zero Tundra to the Spotlight: margø’s Rock Revolution. NMR – Pumping Drum and Bass lines kick this off…a cool sounding vocal delivery and great melodies make for a really nice track, check it out. Hailing from the frozen landscapes of Edmonton, Canada, margø found herself drawn to the powerful beats of rock music […]

August 27, 2024

  “Matthew S Horner: A Fusion of Guitar / Synth grooves with catchy melodies “ NMR – From the intro drum pattern this track has a great vibe, the guitars give it a really full sound, with the chorus melody hook line grabbing the attention straight away, a really cool track that doesn’t let up […]

August 23, 2024

  “Art Block: The East London Alt-Folk Sensation .” NMR – Great synth Pop sounds and melodies all over this new release from a talented singer songwriter, get your quota of pop vibes right here . Art Block, a multi-instrumentalist and alt-folk singer-songwriter from East London, has been making waves in the indie music scene […]