August 27, 2024

  “Matthew S Horner: A Fusion of Guitar / Synth grooves with catchy melodies “ NMR – From the intro drum pattern this track has a great vibe, the guitars give it a really full sound, with the chorus melody hook line grabbing the attention straight away, a really cool track that doesn’t let up […]

August 12, 2024

“ Hot on the Tail of Their “Thrilling” Debut Single ‘Gold’, Wiltshire-Based Alt-Rock Band Wild Isles is Amping Up to Release Their Second Crowd-Pleaser, ‘Stand In Silence’” NMR – Great energy from the kick off with this Punk Pop track, nice pace and tempo, vocal delivery is hot in the mix and sounds really good, […]

August 10, 2024

 “Cold Shoulder” from Ell Freeman isn’t just another punk rock track—it’s a cheeky, punky anthem of zombie love that’s truly “Dead On Arrival.”  NMR – Classic punk style guitar sounds and arrangement , clean and simple but effective, the vocal has an attack that gets the message across nicely, with some added harmonies to add […]